Sunday, October 5, 2008

"Not me!" Monday

It's that time again! I love, love, love this little blog carnival (sponsored by one of my favorite bloggers, MckMama). It is so cathartic for me, and I'm all about being real with y'all! All week long I find myself thinking...I did NOT just do that!!! So, here goes....

I did NOT put "Egg Beaters" (instead of half and half) in my coffee one morning this week. I am NOT at ALL sleep deprived and a little bit off....nope, not ME!

I did NOT have so much laundry stacked up in the laundry room that it took me almost 2 hours to put it all away on Tuesday. Nope, we have not been digging through all the laundry baskets for clean underwear for almost 2 weeks.

Because there were NO clean clothes ANYWHERE but the laundry room, I did NOT run through the house completely NAKED every time I needed something to wear this week....nope, not me.

I did NOT ask my Lucy to help me after Greer threw up all over me last night (I was desperate, ya'll!! You should have seen me). I did not make her lay down a towel for me in the bathroom (while Reeves was moaning with his own stomach ache in the other room and Chris was on a medicine run) and then watch her gag as she saw all the vomit everywhere. A good mother would NEVER ask that of her 4 year old.

I did NOT throw away all of my clothes (and Greer's clothes and a towel or 2) because I simply could NOT deal with washing spinach vomit out of them....I was way too tired and grossed out! That would be completely wasteful and frivolous...not to mention lazy!

I did not let Reeves sleep on the dog's bed (just because he wanted to) last night when he was so sick with the virus. That would be totally gross. Nope, I would NEVER do that!!!

So there are just a few of the things I did NOT do this week....I'd love to hear what you did NOT do!

21 kind words:

Anonymous said...

LOVE how you "know me" now, Megan, and had your post all prepared! Way to go: second poster! Sunday night is becoming a habit for me;)

Anyway, totally LOVED and was grossed out by, at the same time, by the Egg Beaters and dog's bed! And I have thrown out the boys' underwear before when I just DID NOT want to deal with a mess in them. I can relate! I mean, not that you really do those things.

Because you totally don't.

Unknown said...

Dog beds are super comfortable! I've often NOT envied my dog his cushy foam mattress and fluffy, straight-out-of-the-dryer towels and how someone else makes his bed each morning. Not me; that would be weird!

Honey Mommy said...

That reminds me... I have a load of laundry in the dryer that I should probably take out sometime this week!


Kelsey said...

Your post made me laugh, I loved it!

I've never not done my laundry for a long period of time either.

I don't blame you for the throwing out of clothes, I would have done the same!

I just saw on your twitter that you used the organic pancake mix in a can from Costco, I had that this morning! Best invention ever!! No, we don't use them in my house way too often..

Jennifer said...

I so have never done the same thing with poopie panties and of course I've never ran through the house naked either!

Mrs. H said...

Those were great! I have soooo thrown away nasty clothes too! Hope everyone is feeling better at your house! By the way...I LOVE your children's names!


erin said...

ahhhh... egg beaters in coffee. how long did it take you to realize that?!
i woulda thrown the clothes away too. anything for an excuse to go buy something new! :-)

Weeksie50 said...

I have thrown away so much stuff from yucky dishes to way stained up clothes. Sometimes buying new is way better then getting grossed out. Eww.

Shanan Strange said...

Hey Megan!
I loved reading your Not Me's this morning. I can relate to almost every single one. (I love the name Greer). Have a great day!

Melissa said...

This is too funny... I sooo "have not" had to dig through the laundry basket for clean socks...

SometimesSheWhispers said...

Piles of Laundry? I NEVER have piles of laundry or streak naked through the house to the laundry room for clean clothes. That would soooo unlike me......

Love the egg beaters part!


Kameron said...

Thanks for adding a giggle to my day. It has started out rough and I decided to take my lunch break and read some Not Me!s to cheer me up!

Ashley said...

okay, we NEVER throw out sheets or clothes at ALL when the kids have gotten sick before. No way, cause that would just be throwing money away, right??

heidi said...

Awww I hope you all are feeling better soon! And I have NEVER thrown away clothes rather than wash them, either. :-)

AnniePearl said...

I can relate to running through the house is an almost daily occurance for would think I would learn sooner or later to put the laundry away so I would not have to do my naked run every morning...I guess I could count it as burning calories!

Thanks for the laugh!

applesofgold said...

I did not just spit milk all over my computer screen and wake up my baby who I am trying to nurse to sleep for the night by laughing to hard at your egg beaters/half and half comment.

And I certainly have never thrown out clothes when one of my kids has thrown up on them....and I NEVER run through the house naked to get some clothes out of the laundry room. :D

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

I was laughing my head off over these. I've done so many of them. Cute blog too, by the way..

Hall Family in MD said...

LOL I have done the throw things away because of vomit or other such bodily fluids before....yuck! Thanks for visiting my blog =)

Amie said...

too funny. I can honestly say I have never run through the house naked(post children in the house), cause someone might get hurt.;) or traumatized. ;)

But I can say I have never done the same with a pair of underwear that has been the unfortunate victim of a "diarhea blast." Not pretty.. and not something I would do.


Lindsay said...

sounds like you're having quite the week.

melanie said...

Egg beaters!!! LOLOLOL!! And I can TOTALLY relate to the laundry. I'm finding that a significant portion of my not me list revolves around laundry.