Saturday, October 4, 2008


I can not even begin to explain how thankful I am for this beautiful morning.  Because I work every other weekend (I used to work every weekend....thank heavens that is not the case any more), I absolutely savor every minute of my weekend off time with my family.  You don't realize how special and different that time is until you almost never get to enjoy it.  The air I breathe on Saturday and Sunday mornings when I am not at work is just is almost impossible to describe.

We all woke up happy and refreshed (God surprised me with a GREAT night of rest!), ate a yummy breakfast in our PJs, played a little Wii, turned on some awesome praise music and laughed together.  Greer is napping and everyone else has already headed off to get our day going.  Reeves has a football game this morning at 11.  We are hoping for a win, but know that it really doesn't matter.  The boys have so much fun.  After the game, Chris and Reeves are headed to Tuscaloosa to watch Alabama play Kentucky....I've never seen a little boy (or his Daddy) more excited.  My mom is coming to spend the day with me and my girls, and Lucy's friend Caden has invited her to his birthday party.

This is what my Saturday is made of.  Nothing too extravagant, but to me it is perfect.  I hope you have your own perfect family day, too!  

Take a deep breath, and Enjoy this awesome day!!

1 kind words:

Amy said...

Oh my gosh you said those words perfectly. The air is different on the weekends you do not have to work. Thanks to the Good Lord above, who is always watching out for us, that I do not have to work weekends anymore.