Thursday, January 15, 2009

Checking in, Checking UP and an Aldara update

Well, here she is with Pediatrician #2 (aka Papa...which is job #1).  He would rather not take on the doctor role when it comes to his grandchildren (or children) for that matter!  He just can't handle it.....he turns into a bowl full of mush and emotion...Love you Daddy!

I've promised him that I will try not to ask him to do any doctoring for a while (stitching up Reeves twice is quite enough for him!).  He just gets to spoil them and love them, and his old buddy from residency, Dr. Israel, gets to do all the dirty work.

So today, we popped over to her office for the 1 year check-up, and it was as ordinary as any other check-up, I suppose.  She did show off all her cool tricks though, and that made a Mama proud!  She is just about the most precious baby girl on the planet if I haven't mentioned it before!  Ahem.

So, after a good round of questioning (Is she saying a few words?  Yes, Is she pooping at least once a day?  Yes, Is she off the bottle?  Amazingly...almost/basically yes, Does she eat well?  Are you KIDDING me...she is eating us out of house and home!, How much does she sleep?  Absurdly too that NORMAL?  Well, she said, it's not USUAL, but I wouldn't be complaining!....Oh, don't worry, I'm NOT!)

And are the vital stats:

25 pounds (93%) and 32.5 inches (still, off the charts)

I am raising a beast....a sleeping, eating, laughing BEAST!

Man, do I ever LOVE her!!!

Of interest to my Port Wine Stain buddies, I did ask Dr. Israel if she had ever heard of Aldara.  She said that the pediatric dermatologists use it all the time for treating common kid issues (like moluscums).  She said it didn't work very well for them, but she said it is a drug that is already being used on children without hesitation.  She did not know anything about the use following PWS laser treatments, however.  She didn't think it would be a big deal at all to use it.  I plan on mentioning it to Dr. Theos next time we have a treatment (a week from Tuesday).  I'll keep you posted!

3 kind words:

Aspiemom said...

Yeah for dads and yeah for good checkups!

I see that you took care of Skylar and made them a delicious meal, too. You had a very full day, but I'm thankful it included the Henley's. It meant a lot to them.

Did those sheets ever get washed? lol

Megan @ Hold it Up to the Light said... fact, I now have the sheets from the top bunk to deal with too...UGH! Oh, well, guess I'm just prioritizing!

Thanks for your kind words. Skylar and Lucy are hilarious together, and they play really well. It was so good to see Jen smiling last night when I got to the hospital....Alan had a better day. Now we have to pray for him to get home before the weekend!

Southern Girl said...

I can't tell you enough how charming your blog and your super-cute family are. I check in from time to time, but I never take the time to tell you how much I enjoy it. And I thought that since I am, if not snowed, then at least frozen in(the high today in NJ is 16!) today, it would be the perfect time to let you know! Congrats on getting Greer off the bottle by the one year check up. Even if it's only "mostly"! Every time I talk to my mom, she goes on how your dad would DIE if he knew my nephew, who's 2 1/2 still takes one at night. My sis-in-law is afraid to tell him. And we definitely need to get your Greer and our Gracie together for a playdate! To quote my mom..."Gracie will eat anything that doesn't try to eat her first."

Much Love, my old friend,