Thursday, January 22, 2009

Quite a Thursday!

It started out really good....I mean really, really wonderfully good! Lucy and I cuddled up in my bed while Reeves and Chris got ready for school and work. After a lot of thought and prayer, I have decided to take Lucy out of school on Thursdays. Up until now, she has been in 4 year old preschool 5 days a week. Basically, I miss my girl, and I need her to be home with me!

Next year, she will go to "big school".... kindergarten. She will be in school from 8am-3pm five days a week. This is our last year to really play, and I am really feeling the need to savor this time with her. So, this morning, we were really lazy. We laid in bed and had our coffee and carrots (Lucy's breakfast of choice....don't ask me why) and watched Blue's Clues. It was awesome. If I haven't mentioned it before, Lucy is our comic relief. She is full of fun and energy and just goes with the flow. I love this girl!!!

So why Thursdays?? Thursday's are really fun days for us. 3 of my dearest friends have kids that are the same ages as mine, and every Thursday, we get together for play and fellowhip and most importantly...we eat.

We eat really good!!! (I know that I should say WELL, but it just doesn't sound right). Today was my day to host and feed the masses (4 moms, 8 kiddos). Lucy and I managed to put together the entire meal before Greer woke up...and it was soooo much fun. I love having a little chef by my side, and I'm teaching her all my tricks (today she learned to tell when water has come to a "rolling boil"). We mananged all that before 8:30, and had the kitchen all cleaned up to boot....

Then....Greer woke up, and well, it wasn't quite as laid back. Sweet G has hit a whole new level, my friends. Whenever things get silent (for even a few seconds), you may find something like this......

Yes, that is catfood.....I did mention that Greer will eat anything didn't I??????

Still, we had fun in our PJs getting ready for our friends to come over to play! It was a grand time as usual, and next week I promise to get pictures of the whole's so much fun!!!

What I didn't expect on this Thursday was the call I received from Reeves' teacher at about 1:15. Thankfully, Chris was home and he was the one who answered the phone (because when he told me, well, I just burst into tears). Reeves has been dealing with a bit of a bully since right after Christmas break, and up until now it has been a completely verbal sort of bullying. Today, it turned a bit more physical.

We got the call from his teacher (swiftly followed by a call from the Vice Principal) that Reeves had been "beat up" by this little boy on the play ground. First of all, let me say that Reeves is OK. In fact, he handled himself awesomely! We couldn't be more proud of him. But, we had to have lots of uncomfortable, extremely challenging conversations this afternoon. With each other, with our boy, with the parents of the other child, and with the school officials.

I'm not sure I'm ready for all of this.....

But for today, we all handled it well, and we said a LOT of prayers. Thank you God for my precious children!!! For the time I have with them, for their innocence, for their curiosity, for their love, for their spirit, for their fight, for their passion, for their friends, for their opportunities to learn and grow .....

Thank You!!!

10 kind words:

Anonymous said...

Megan...I just cry everytime I think of sweet Reeves having to deal with this. I am so proud of the way he handled himself. You and Chris have raised a precious, strong boy. I am praying for his little heart (not to mention his safety). I am also praying for the heart of the bully. I am praying that Reeves words spoke to him. I am also praying that God gives you and Chris wisdom for this situation. Know that as Reeves returns to school tomorrow, prayers are being said for him.
Love, Christine
P.S.- Lunch was fabulous!! You and Lucy (love the tutu) did a wonderful job...kind of glad Greer didn't help since her choice was cat food!!!! Love the pics!

Kristin said...

Poor Reeves! I'm glad it seems to have worked out and that lessons were learned. But still! I know your Mommy's heart hurts for him having to deal with this.

Colin has his surgery tomorrow morning at 6AM. I know it is no big deal but that is my BABY and I'm a nervous wreck. We'll be at Children's South. Say a little prayer for me.

Val said...

Megan, I can not even began to imagine how your heart broke for him. I know you and Chris have to be amazing parents and we know that in the end, in the BIG picture, Reeves "won" that little battle b/c he did the right thing. Haven't met him, but I sure would love to!!

ASHLEY said...


Janet said...

NO!!!! Tell me that kid's name, and I'll go beat him up myself!
Seriously, I'm so sad that this happened and I'm sure you all handled it perfectly.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about Reeves that is horrible. Luckily, we aren't there yet. But,on a more comic note, my boys always would always sneak off to the closet and eat the dog food (dry dog food-at least that is a little better). I would like to say that I always caught them before they actually ate it but I didn't and at some point I decided that soon enough they would realize that food tastes much better. Hope you have a great Friday.

Bethany Edgeworth said...

You have such a wonderful little boy with so much character and love inside his little body! He handled himself very admirably and I am so glad the he is a friend of Cole's!!!

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

I love your blog! I stumbled upon it through MckMama's blog. Your children are precious!

Anna said...

poor little guy. i hope things are going better now? do keep us updated.

JaniceFry said...

Megan, first of all, let me say, AS I HAVE A GAZILLION TIMES, I love your blog! But what I love MOST is your honesty. About things that happen in your control and OUT of it. Sometimes people have a tendency to paint a perfect family picture (me! HAHAHAHA). You remind me "LIFE AIN'T PERFECT". I almost cried when I read about Reeves. I know the heartache you felt and feel. I hate to say it, but I always hated when the kids started school b/c you are away from them and things happen that you can't control. Just remember there is One who is always there beside Reeves when you cannot be. You already know Who that is. It's hard to "let them go" back into a situation where you won't be there to referee. I know, I had to deal with that a few times with my kids, too. It's soooo hard!!!!! Reeves is probably as sensitive loving child and an easy target for the proverbial bully. I will be praying for your precioius boy and that this will be a learning curve for him as he goes through some tough times in the future but ALSO some GREAT times as well. you're such a great mom and I know that whatever you say to him will be just the words he needs to hear. Love you and praying for Reeves. AND the bully.....mama fry xxoo <><