Monday, September 15, 2008

Random Thoughts

Amazingly, the kids were in bed by 7:30 tonight. They didn't catch that it hadn't quite reached that magic number 8, and went to bed without a fuss. They really needed it....dragging them out of bed this morning was extra hard. School and after school activities are starting to really exhaust them, and it shows in their attitudes (and mine!). I'm hoping for a good long night of sleep to rejuvenate them (and make them a little bit less cranky tomorrow!).

I read a book on birth order this Summer, and I find myself really cluing in to their individual personalities more and more. It is strange how engrained those roles are, even though you feel like you are treating them all the same. It is amazing to watch them and to see their budding personalities....for better or worse. If you have never read a book about birth order, I highly recommend it. It is quite an education not only in figuring our your kids, but in seeing how you parent/deal with life based on your own birth order. I can't begin to tell you how much I learned....amazing! I recommend the books by Kevin Leman (birth order with a biblical perspective).

Greer is eating more and more and is in a great little groove (her napping and playtime are just so much more predictable and fun). For those of you following my "baby food making", I just thought I'd give you a list of Greer's latest favorites (beware....some of them may seem a little disgusting as combos, but I assure you, Greer thinks they are divine. Chris says that it makes him want to "throw up a little".):

Cream Cheese and Spinach
Squash, Egg Yolk, and Cottage Cheese (yep, that one)
Organic Oatmeal (just like the big kids eat....and she can eat a whole packet at once) mixed
with fruit or whole milk yogurt....dashes of nutmeg and cinnamon for a little flavor
Raisins, Cheerios, Blueberries, Nilla Wafers
Steak, Chicken
Frozen veggies...not pureed (she expecially likes broccoli)
Pumpkin and Applesauce
Cheese Toast

Oh, and I learned a cool trick from my friend Angela. Greer is pretty good at eating small bites of food, but most of the fruits are pretty hard to pick up (slimy and wet). I have been crushing cheerios, bread crumbs, and even graham crackers and rolling the fruit bites in them. It makes them SOOOO much easier to pick up!

My friend Jennifer Henley really needs prayers this week (click here to read about her husband Alan's accident back in July). Alan is probably headed home sooner than later, and she has about a million things to get ready before that day comes. She has become a dear friend and we have adored helping her by keeping her sweet Skylar a few afternoons each week. I just ask that you cover her and Alan with prayer.....I know they would appreciate it. The biggest thing she needs are prayers!

My parents are stuck in LA tonight, and I ask you to help them get home safely. Their flight was canceled because of the mess in Texas (they were to have a layover in Houston). Please pray for all of the hurricane victims and those affected by this tragedy!

I guess that is about all for now! I pray that you have a great night!

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