Sunday, April 5, 2009


I am sad, I am filled, I am blessed, I am confused, I am challenged, I am happy.

My best friend is moving.  My heart is breaking. I have to tell my little boy that his best friend is moving.  I can't bear it.  I have a headache.  Worship today was amazing.  I feel filled up.  My computer is so freaking slow,  it is driving me crazy.  The kids were just awful today, but at times they were angels.  I got all the laundry done.  Chris is anxious and stressed....God give him peace.

I had a great time at the grocery store by myself.  I'm weird.   I love that my sister has moved in with us.  What an awesome blessing!  It's Spring, things are blooming, the yard needs some work.  I need to vaccuum.  I am happy.  I am tired.  I am done apologizing.  I am free.  I'm giving God the Glory.  You're there God, right?  Yes, you're always there.  

I am preparing for Holy Week.  I want to feel that raw pain.  I know that the joy of Easter will be sweeter after I reflect...reflect on His pain.  His sacrifice. 

For when I am raw, He has me at my best.....

Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me.  Melt me.  Mold me.  Fill me.  Use me.  Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me.  The words play over and over again in my head.  

I am happy, heartbroken, renewed, at peace....all at the same time.  How is that possible?

Through You.  Through my faith in You.  

7 kind words:

Lindsay said...

Wow do I know all too well how you are feeling - you are not alone - WE, are not alone. Just a few verses for you that our pastor talked about this morning and that really spoke to me in light of what we're dealing with here.

Romans 8:28
Psalm 46:1-11
1 Corinthians 10:13

Hope they help and lift you up and that you have a great week!

Kristin said...

It is always so hard to have a friend move away. I feel this constantly as all but one of my friends live in far away places.

Agree with you that sometimes that raw place is the exact place we need to be.

JaniceFry said...

something tells me Jesus felt all those his last week on earth ,too. Life sometimes is soooo confusing/happy/sad and yes, "raw". I know exactly what you are talking about!I love the verses you are playing in your head, tho! you! Jxxoo
P.S. If Lucy doesn't come today you might as well bury me. That's the first thing that's going to be on Lily's lips as she gets in the car after school: "Is LUCY coming over?!?!?!?!" LOL see you after 1:30?!?!

Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

Isn't it odd that even as adults (or maybe even MORE as adults), we are devastated when a close friend moves away? I used to think that moving was the worst of all circumstances when I was young, and I always felt like my heart was breaking. Looking at it objectively as an adult, I can see now that it was always the right thing for our family, and my sister and I always made new close friends. But as an adult woman, I still feel my heart break when a friend moves. (Why would anyone not want to live here, by the way?) Ha!

Aspiemom said...

I'm so sorry that your friend is moving away. I know that's going to be really hard.

I must have missed something as I didn't know your sister had moved in with you.

It Feels Like Chaos said...

So well said. This earthly life is just so full of ups and downs -- friends moving away & sisters moving in, kids acting terrible & kids that angels, laundry all done & vacuum needs to be done! But through it all God is good and in control and promising us eternal life in paradise where I firmly believe our floor will always be clean!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog bc I admire your walk with Jesus. I am trying to strengthen my walk with him and I just had to say that you are an inspiration! Thanks!!