Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Coming One Week from Today!

I decided to start a little monthly giveaway during this past Lenten Season.  Next Wednesday, April 29th, will be the next installment, and I hope you'll check back and join in!  It's all about friends helping friends helping friends!  If you have no idea what I'm talking about, just click on that button up there to read about it from the beginning.  Remember that the posts are in reverse order, so you may want to skip to the end and read them backwards. 

Gotta run....Greer is finally waking up from her monster nap.  That girl is a fah-reak of nature when it comes to sleep.  Seriously!  Remind me to talk to her pediatrician about it again tomorrow when we go for the 15 month check up.  It is seriously insane! 

1 kind words:

James' Full House said...

Send some baby sleep to our house! I would almost pay for Lil B to sleep better. Consider yourself blessed in that area.
