Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Just like any other night....

Our day started out bright and early.  Not as early as the other times we have headed down to the outpatient hospital, but still early for my insanely great sleeping baby girl!  Of course we were running a bit late (if you know me well, you know I'm always a bit late).  But this time, I actually had a good excuse.  Reeves felt a little warm to me when I cuddled up next to him, and I made sure he was OK for school before going to snatch Greer out of her peaceful slumber.  He was fine, and I left the older two kiddos in the capable hands of my awesome younger sister, Erin (by the way, if you live in my area and need an awesome babysitter....she's your girl!).

We arrived a little after 7, and Greer was happy as could be.  It is always a relief to arrive without any signs of fear (i.e. crying, screaming, fussing in general).  I have read/heard of children who have laser treatments frequently (like my Greer) who basically fah-reek when they drive into the parking lot.  Greer showed no signs of fear or anxiety, and that gave me great peace.

We waited the normal amount of time.  For a 5 minute procedure, it seems to take forever!

Check in. Sign consent forms.  Wait to be called back.  Weight check.  Vital signs.  Change into gown.  Talk to nurse.  Sign more forms.  Talk to anesthetist.  Talk to anesthesiologist.  Play in playroom.  Drive around in little red wagon.  Talk to Dr. T.   Mark the site.  Wait.  Walk to the OR doors.  Hand baby girl off.....

But this time, that part wasn't so easy.  She cried, and screamed, and cried....

And it broke my heart....and I knew it was what 15 month olds do.  She did it at church on Sunday, and sometimes she does it when I leave to go to the bathroom.  It was separation anxiety, pure and simple.  

I got coffee....and I waited.  and PRAYED.  

I prayed for the doctors, the nurses, the scrub tech, the cleaning lady.  

I prayed for her to be OK.  I prayed for me to be OK.  It's unexplainably difficult to put your child through something like this....electively.  I always question myself, even though I know I am doing what is best for her in the long run.    

I had peace and anxiety and fear....all at the same time.

I thought about how lucky blessed I am to have a healthy child....that this is as bad as it gets for us.....hopefully forever! I prayed for Stellan and Mary and Rollins and Alan.....

Thank you God.  For we are so blessed.  For this is a privilege.  A gift.  A blessing.  The chance to give my baby girl the best life possible.

But it's still hard.  It still exhausts me.  It still hurts her.  She still needed double the normal dose of pain medicine, and she still cried and screamed in Recovery.  The anesthesiologist still had to come and get me cause he knew I could hear her screaming.  He made sure I was OK and assured me that she was OK.  And she was....especially when they brought her back to me.  

We rocked, and I sang to her.  She looked up at me....all drunk and spacey.... and I knew she was OK.  She was safe.    

And you prayed, and I prayed, and we made it home safely.  And she slept......

and slept and slept and slept.  Then she woke up....and ate and ate and ate.  And you know what?????  Tonight turned out to be just like any other night!

She drank her bath water.

and tried to catch the drops coming out of the faucet.

She went swimmin'  and gave me a big ole' smile!

And when she was all done, she stood up, flashed her big blue eyes...
and she begged for a bite of her brother's ice cream.

It is Well with my Soul....Thanks be to God!

13 kind words:

It Feels Like Chaos said...

So glad all is well! Little Greer is so resilient and tough! I pray you get some rest; I am sure you are exhausted!

MIMILEE said...

I just heard about Greer, through your mom, Megan on Facebook of all things! My name is Lee Moates and I live in Gadsden.....don't know if you remember me or not....my sons are good bit older than you. I have been praying for Greer and especially for this last laser treatment...so elated it went well and God heard our prayers for her. I will continue praying for your precious girl(she is a cutie pie...those EYES!!) and I know God is going to bring her (and you) throught this with flying colors!! Thanks for sharing our Lord's Love and Mercy and Grace on your blog....what a witness for Him your are! God Bless!

In Him, Lee <><

Ginger said...

I am so glad Greer is doing okay. I feel you every step of the way. Love ya!

Southern Girl said...

I'm so glad everything went well and that Greer was such a trooper! I was thinking about y'all all morning and tried to send good thoughts and prayers your way at 7 your time.

Anna said...

sweet baby girl! i'm so glad it went as well as possible and that she was happy and hungry when she woke up! we'll continue to pray for super healing and fast fading!!! (and peace for her Mommy!)

Beth said...

So glad to hear Greer is doing well! Love the new layout!!

Danielle Moss said...

So awesome to see Greer just splashing around having some fun! What an awesome little girl.

I'm sure it's so hard to put her through this, but I went back and read your story. This is truly what is best for her. Still, I'm sure it isn't easy to see your baby girl suffer.

Although...looks like she did remarkably well! All those prayers sure did pay off.

The O'Herns said...

You're a hoot and an awesome mommy! I've been checking in on your blog for months now and finally decided to give you a "shout-out"! I live in Florida now, but I grew up in BHAM and graduated from Homewood High . Anywho, I share the same love for my Christ as you and struggles/joys that come with being a momma/wife/medical professional/taxi driver/cook/maid....
You still inspire me! :) Amy

Anonymous said...

Megan...Don't you love that even in a groggy state she knows that she is safe in your arms?! I absolutely LOVE the picture of her grabbing the water...it makes me think of her reaching out and grabbing the Living Water. What a precious image.
So glad it's over for today. Love, Christine

Lindsay said...

Sometimes normal seems extra blissful, doesn't it? Thank God for normal. Glad it went well - for the both of you.

Aspiemom said...

I'm so glad that Greer is home and healing. I hate that she has to go through that experience and the pain, but praise God that there was something medical that could be done to help her, too.

God knows our needs and desires. Do you know that an hour ago I was driving home from getting groceries and I was thinking "I miss hearing from Megan." Then after I put things away, I checked online and found a comment from you!!! Isn't that something? God hears our every thought.

I just heard a new - to me - Christian singer and LOVE her. Have you heard Frances Drost? I love her song "Inside Things". She also composes, sings and records songs for children with medical and special needs. What a gift she has!

JaniceFry said...

WHEW, I was relieved when I read your last Twit. Glad she's ok but know it was a tough day all around. You're not the only one that was praying as you can see! Praise God...and hey! If you get a second tonight? read through Psalm 139. I thought about you and Greer (and me!) when I read it today....blessings girl
Oh yeah, I still have your sunglasses! I'll just put them in your mail box tomorrow???

~Beth D. said...

I haven't read your blog in awhile, (we're in the middle of moving) but happened to read today as my son, who is 4, came up to the computer. I was reading Greer's story and he saw her pictures. I am not trying to make light of the situation but thought my son's comment was cute and sweet.

He has some cars that change color in the water and thought it was cool that a baby could do that too.