Thursday, April 9, 2009

Just when you thought you'd heard it all!

I am proud to say that in 5 years of preschool/elementary school, none of my children have come home with head lice.  I know it's bound to happen, and we've had several notes home announcing that the inspections should begin.  One such note even suggested searching your child EVERY night as part of the bedtime routine. 

Supper, Bath, Story, Brush Teeth, Prayers....
Lice Check

That lasted about a day....didn't exactly illicit sweet dreams and
peaceful slumber, ya know???

So, my mom (that's her with my niece Caroline cooking cornbread dressing) spent the past 2 weeks up in Northern Virginia with my sister Rachel and her family.  Big sisters, Caroline and Olivia, were so excited to welcome home a baby brother, Henry.  The visit was wonderful, and the girls loved their time with Charcey.  I can't wait till I can get up to love on my new baby nephew (and did I mention how excited Reeves is to have a boy in the mix?).

Just two days before my mom was supposed to come home, they discovered that Caroline (who is in Kindergarten) had head lice.  Not just a few....that girl was COVERED in the little boogers.  I mean, check out that's a dream home!

So they set to work, and in Rachel's words.....

It was a complete and total NIGHTMARE!!!

scrubbing, professional treatments, combs, mayonnaise, shower caps,
big black garbage bags, dozens and dozens of loads of laundry,
vacuuming, cleaning, and worst of all.....

Pick, Pick, PICKING!

(and did I mention that they had a newborn and a 
3 year old around, too)

Good Heavens, bringing a third baby into the mix is stress enough!  I felt sooo sorry for my sister so many miles away.  It was horrible!

When I hadn't heard from her in a few days, I assumed that the ordeal was over, that the lice were long gone.  I decided to phone her last night on my way home from work, and didn't expect what I was about to hear!  I will admit that I found it quite hysterical, and I am still not over it!

Rachel spent 6 hours (and $250) visiting a professional nitpicker!  Yep, that's right, there are people who do that for a living.  Can you imagine?  First of all, can you imagine listing that on your kid's preschool application:

Mom's Occupation:  Professional Nitpicker

I seriously wonder if they would accept your kid if that was your job I am totally joking, but seriously!!  And how creepy would you feel all the time?  I mean, the thought of the lice gives me the geebs....I can't imagine touching those things everyday.  To each his own, to each his own.  

Rach said it was actually pretty cool.  Caroline got to watch "Camp Rock" on a big screen while the nitpicker got to work (with magnifying glasses and bright lights).  Poor thing had the baby and the 3 year old in tow, too, but she said it was worth every minute and every penny.  They found 3 nits in Olivia's hair, and now she is being treated.  Thankfully, Rachel and the baby are fine.  She made it home with some cool tools and peace of mind.  Those nasty boogers are finally gone!

I did a google search, and so far I can't find a nitpicker in my area.  Do you have one in yours?  Let me know....I am fascinated by this.  What gets you into that line of work?  

I did find this article though, and it shed a little more light.  Learn something new every day!!!

9 kind words:

Faye said...


Beth said...

That's is crazy. I have never heard of such. I got lice one time when I was in elementary school. It was horrible! I actually remember me and my mom both crying.

Hope you have a great weekend.

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

Wow, I have never heard of that line of work! I don't know if there's one in my area or I'm curious. =)

When we were younger, lice went around our church one summer, and we got them like 4 times! It was horrible!

Just thinking about lice makes my head itch...


Ginger said...

Okay, I am laughing HARD! EWWW! I am with you on the heebie jeebies part. I couldn't begin to imagine that as my life's work.

Amy said...

Ok, I am SO itching right now!! WOW, I wish we would have had a personal nitpicker about this time last year. AR got it and you know what a head full of hair she has. I would have paid top dollar! Well, I treated and did all the stuff mentioned in your post (except the mayo, it doesn't work). In fact, did you know lice hold their breath under water? True! Believe me, I did all kinds of research! Got rid of it, and low and behold she got it AGAIN. This time the WHOLE family got it....thankfully the boys only had a few, AR and I had the most....I hope to NEVER do that again....ick!!

Southern Girl said...

Oh, poor, poor, Rachel(and Caroline). When I was a kid, Mom always knew that there was a lice pandemic on account of the teacher gossip network. And she would braid my hair so dang tight I felt like my eyeballs were gonna pop out, but I'll say this--I never got 'em.

Amber said...

Megan, I wish i had known about professional lice pickers...when i was a school teacher we had a breakout of lice and yep, I got it. I had really long hair then and it was horrible getting it out. I was a grownup and i cried!

Amy said...

Oh my gosh I would die. I used to pray when I was a child and teenager mind you that I would not get lice. I have a phobia of it. I am dreading the day that my child might have it.
Poor Rachel.

JaniceFry said...

Oh Megan! I wish you could hear NATALIE talk about HER experience! Not with her kids and lice but her OWN head of lice! She was about 8 years old and going to be in a wedding and I took her to get her hair washed and trimmed for the big event. Well, I saw all these stylists looking at her hair and I was BEAMING WITH PRIDE, thinking, "they just think her hair is sooo gorgeous" when they all motioned for me to come over and whispered (the "Head Start" place was FULL of customers that day, too!), "your daughter has, ahem, HEAD LICE". I almost DIED!!!!! Poor Natalie. Had to endure her brothers screaming "BUG HEAD! STAY AWAY FROM US!" for weeks! (Michael still will randomly remind her!)and I did the NIT PICKING for what seemed like days on end!!! ANd she had a head of hair like your niece! A great place for the little boogers to nest in! It drove me crazy! My own head itched in sympathy (and you better believe i was constantly checking 7 heads for months after!)!Ahhh, head lice! My head is itching just thinking about it! LOL! Love your blogs as always! Mama Fry xxoo