Tuesday, May 5, 2009

On Mothering

I am blessed to have lots of friends (both in real life and through the internets).  I love the diversity of the relationships I have and learn things from all of them.  I love the perspective of my friends who have grown-up (and teenage) children, and what I can teach my friends who have brand new babies.  The lessons I have learned from my mother (and my husband's mother) are etched on my soul.  I truly believe in the mantra that "It Takes a Village", and I strive to adopt the best methods to help me in my endeavor to raise responsible, functioning adults.  In fact, let me go a step further....

I am striving to raise:  God Trusting, Happy, Secure, Smart Working, Fun Loving People

Not too much to ask, right?  

Lately, I've had some new struggles related to mothering.  I'll get into the specifics more in some later posts, but basically, I am hitting a whole new phase in this adventure.  I've also had a huge desire to share some of my "mothering" history with all my sweet readers.  I hope you'll come back to hear my stories, and to share your own!

I also want to add a little disclaimer.... I don't want it to sound like I am not including my husband in all of this!  Chris has an integral part in the raising of our children, but I am struggling with some things that are fundamentally about being the kind of mother I want to be.  Make sense?  Good.

It seems appropriate (what with the coming holiday weekend) to discuss some of my views on motherhood, and to hear your thoughts.  Like I said, I get so much out of the experiences of other mothers, and grow in my mothering art when I talk it out with my friends who've been there.  And just so you know....I do a lot of praying on the subject, too!  

One more thing....I don't mind giving my 2 cents if provoked either, ahem.

So, here's the basic jist of my mothering philosophy:

Teach about God's Love!
Love them Unconditionally!
Never discount any method when it comes to praise/discipline/persuasion
There is no 1 right way to mother your child
Screwing up is inevitable:  I will admit when I am wrong, ask for forgiveness, and make a change.

This is the short list, and I know that my statements may seem vague. Trust me though, there is more to every one of these. It's about a basic mindset I have adopted, based on my life as a mother.  

And perspective....I'm trying to learn more about perspective by looking at the big picture.

What about you?

What are your basic mothering mantras?

8 kind words:

Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

I think it was Gary Chapman who wrote that we're not raising children, we're raising adults. I totally believe in that philosophy ... and I'm trying to raise my boys to be good HUSBANDS, too. I constantly think about and pray for the women who will marry them, and I hope that I will raise them to treat those women well, that they will be equal parenting partners and that the now-boys will share in household duties and not just make more "work" for their wives. Those are some of my goals for my three boys!

Chris and Rebecca Lee said...

hey, i saw that you left a comment on our blog. do we know each other? you signed off as raeagan, but your blog says megan. thanks, rebecca

Valerie said...

My way of parenting was not sweating the small stuff. We had our ups and downs but basically she was a good kid. Good grades, behaved well, loved God and pushed us a little. They are all going to do that. We praised her when she did well, punished her when she did wrong. I always let her know that I loved her and was proud of her. A child will go farther with praise than criticism. But I think making sure they know that you love them no matter what is the best you can do for them.

Amber said...

I've been a lurker for a while...I just wanted to encourage you. You are doing a great job. You have a precious family, who it appears thru my computer screen, are happy and genuinely love one another. I've been doing Beth Moore's Esther study and I love the verse from Esther 4:14...basically, you are here at such a time as this to be your kids momma. God doesn't mess up. He picked you to be their momma. You're doing great. Thank you for encouraging me with your blog!

Bridget said...

My philosophy is that I am not raising a boy, I'm raising a man. I do the best I can, pray ALOT and I apologize and ask forgiveness from my son when I mess up. He knows I make mistakes...I often miss those days when I could do no wrong in his eyes, though...

Debbie said...

Sometimes, they mess up in spite of us...and sometimes, they do amazingly wonderful things IN SPITE OF US! Just do the best you can, and PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!

Kristin said...

Going through major growing pains with my oldest who is 12 1/2. I love him always, always but there are days I don't like him very much and I'm sure he would say the same about me.

All I know to do is to wear my knees out praying for God to give me wisdom.

Valerie said...
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