Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Have I mentioned that I love Chick-fil-A?

....and I do believe that Tim Hawkins loves it as much as I do (or my sister, Erin....she is more obsessed than me)!

Scroll down and pause my playlist at the bottom of the page.  This is precious (meaning competely, hilariously perfect)!  Sorry the video takes over the whole posting section....promise you can still see everything in the video.  I tried and tried to make it not do that.  I am a bit of a challenged blogger, ahem.

P.S.  If you don't have a Chick-fil-A near you, well, you're missin' out on a little piece of heaven on earth.  Make it your mission in life to have you some Chick-fil-A before you die.  Trust me!

P.P.S. Do you find yourself craving it like cah-ray-zee on Sundays, too???

4 kind words:

robyn keller said...

I want you to know that the only reason I agreed to move to this little tiny town 5 years ago was because they had a Chick-fil-A. Our poor little town can't support anything, but I have vowed to single-handedly support Chick-fil-A here. Ours is in the mall that we have here and I find myself envying all those that have a free-standing Chick-fil-A.

Heather said...

Right on, sister!! I can't tell you the number of times I've been crushed when I have a Chick-Fil-A craving only to realize.....it's Sunday! Love the song too.

Anonymous said...

Aahh! Sundays are when my cravings hit big time! It always seems like that!

Bridget said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Chick-Fil-A! My son is allergic to peanuts and they cook their chicken in peanut oil, so I can only have CFA when he's not around. Can't have a craving on a Sunday since they have a sign up that says they are closed so that their employees can spend time with their families...can't argue with that but I CAN miss that delectable chicken sandwich. And have you tried their breakfasts?? UMM, UMM!!!