Monday, March 30, 2009

In Bloom

It seems like everywhere I look, something is blooming.  The dogwoods are gorgeous, the cherry blossom trees are breathtaking, and the buds just started to pop open on my snowball bush (to be honest, I don't really know what it's called, but they look like snowballs to me).  I've always loved the rebirth that comes with Spring, and it parallels my life in so many ways this year.  Easter is the icing on the cake of that rebirth....sure wish I wasn't working!  I'm truly trying to see the bright side of that one, but so far no cigar.  Praying for a miracle there....will you join me?

I have been trying to figure out what to say in this post for the past few days.  I've said more prayers in the past week than I remember saying in a long time, and I can honestly say that I have felt God moving in me through it all.  God is opening doors (and windows and peepholes and sunroofs) that are blowing winds of change into our little life.  Changes that are amazingly refreshing and rebirth.  I realize I'm being vague (or in the words of my sister Erin, cryptic).  I promise I will be more specific as I feel led.  Some things are just too personal...I'm finding the balance.

All that to say....I can't wait to see where we are headed, and I am so thankful to have such a wonderful partner on this journey.  I am blessed beyond measure to have children whom I adore, and friends who get me.  I am working on myself and my life, and it feels really good.  I'm done apologizing, and I'm keeping my eye on Him.  I'm done with settling for just OK.  It's time to live the kind of life He wants me to live.  

My life is in bloom.

6 kind words:

JaniceFry said...

.... Your friends might "get you" but guess what? You get HIM. AHHH! the key! the piece in the puzzle of life. I prayed for your decisions and stuff we talked about this morning and I feel like God wanted me to pass this along: When THAT PEACE settles in and the joy overflows your soul, you'll know your decisions and questions were the right ones.( But, then, you already knew that)! ;)
Luv and lots of hugs to a precious precious child of God!
xxoo Mama fry xxoo

Aspiemom said...

What a great post, Megan! I can feel your peace and contentment through your blog. You are truly an example and testimony here.

Val said...

This post kind of summed up things in our "little world" here, as well. I loved your metaphor that things are "in bloom"- thank you for this, it sheds a new light on decisions and prayers for me...for us.

JaniceFry said...

Hey! Lily just called and said, "GranJan, I had fun with Lucy yesterday!" So, MONDAYS from now on.....L & L ! haha! Hugs

Lindsay said...

Well, what a better thing to feel than to be in His arms, especially during times of change. I'll be praying for you!

Bethany Edgeworth said...

Love the post! Know exactly how you feel...we are blessed to call you guys friends :)