Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Best of Intentions

I have so many things running around in my head right now that I don't really even know where to begin. I had every intention of having this post ready to publish on Ash Wednesday, but that just didn't happen. Because my children have been sick this week, things have not gone as expected.

I didn't expect to have to change around my work schedule and work on Ash Wednesday (a day I was really looking forward to spending in prayer and fasting. But I was happy to spend time home with my kids when they needed me). I didn't expect to have such a busy day at work yesterday that I couldn't even pause for 2 seconds to reflect on the meaning of Ash Wednesday (much less eat lunch sitting down....such is a nurse's life), and I didn't expect to be so dog tired last night that I couldn't type a single word. Nope, I just couldn't do it last night.

Today has been just about as busy, but I am much more refreshed. 2 doctors appointments and 3 kids home from school makes for a hectic day. We ended the evening with massive meltdowns (well, not Greer...she really is the perfect baby), but now they are all snoozing away. I'm just thankful that everyone is feeling better, and that we actually got to get out and enjoy a beautiful afternoon. So, today is the day for me to fill you in....I didn't want too much time to go by without telling you my plans for Lent (and something else totally awesome that I have up my sleeve).

In Lentens past, I've just given up something random, something physical (and basically meaningless) time it was chocolate, one time coffee, one time I drank nothing but water and milk. I have to tell you, I don't remember getting a thing out of those Lents (although I'm sure that at the time I convinced myself otherwise). There was just no point to it. After a few days, it wasn't that big of a sacrifice, and I didn't replace it with any real substance....I didn't use that time to focus on my relationship with my Father in Heaven.

This Lent, I am choosing to focus my attention on my intentions....confusing enough?

Let me break it down this way....

Intentional Prayer....I am choosing to take more time for prayer. I tend to pray when I have nothing else to do, or when I'm in a place where no one can disturb me (driving alone or in the shower are my 2 favorites). I want my prayer life to become more of a sacrifice and more of a priority (you know, sometimes I don't get a shower every day)! We'll see where that one takes me.

Intentional Time Management (specifically online)....I am finding that I am getting some great spiritual substance from many of the blogs and other websites I follow, but I also waste my time on a lot of junk. If I don't feel like something I am reading is really feeding my spirit, I am going to quit reading it...and try to find something more productive to do with my time online. If I run across a great post that is discussing Lent or Easter, I will link it at the top of my Right Sidebar....I already have a couple there that are worth a look. If you run across something great, please send it my way (my email link is under my profile).

Intentional Parenting....If I'm being perfectly honest with you, I would tell you that I don't spend enough time nurturing my children's spiritual souls. Sure, we say our blessings and our evening prayers, but I could be doing so much more....I'll let you know how that is going in case you may also be looking for ways to go deeper with your kids. I really want them to understand what this season of Lent is all about and I think they will get WAY more out of Easter (I know I do).

Intentional Marriage....We will celebrate our 9th anniversary in just one week! I am so blessed to have this man in my life, and I know it could be so much better. We're going to work on that one together.

Intentional Friendship....This one is a biggie, because it is truly my "faith in action" during Lent (and hopefully beyond). God has blessed me with some amazing friends, and I just want to give back to them in a way that is bigger than I could possibly imagine....the best part is, you get to be a part of it, too!!! I can't wait to fill you in on all the details....

Coming Soon....

4 kind words:

Sally Pepper said...

Just found your blog. I like it. I'll be back.

Lindsay said...

Love your idea on being more intentional with your life!

Can't wait to see what you have in store!

JaniceFry said...

Hey, sorry you guys have still been sick, but things will get better! Praying for that for you!......I can't believe yall have been married 9 years!!!! What a beautiful wedding yall had!!!I have been meaning to tell you this, when Katie/Jon got married in October , I had told them about yall having Holy Communion at your wedding and how meaningful it was for everyone! So, they had Holy communion at their beach wedding, too. It was sooo awesome, just like yall's was. Love you, girlie. See you next week. Jxxoo
BTW. I AM giving up chocolate. BUT, I'm also TAKING UP being more intentional, too. Maybe between the two, Ole GranJan might learn something new this Lenten Season!

Aspiemom said...

With all of my Christian upbringing, including Christian schools, I have never known much about lent. I always thought it was just the Catholics who practiced Lent.

You've been giving me quite an education this week. I like your goals of "Intentionals". Very good!