Friday, February 13, 2009

Bad Luck?

Yes, I am sore today....really sore!

If I truly believed in bad luck, then today would have surely proven that there really is some truth to the fabled Friday the 13th!!!

'Specially since my sweet Greer almost ate cat poo, managed to grab a VERY sharp knife out of the dishwasher, and then nearly tumbled down the very long staircase to the basement all in a matter of just a few minutes this morning after breakfast.

I decided to treat myself to a relaxing pedicure today while the kids were all in school (a very short and crazy school day, I might add).  Mere minutes into that relaxing pedicure, I managed to lose my brand new Palm phone in the soothing spa botanical jet powered tub of water that my weary toes were soaking in.  So much for relaxing....I spent the next hour discussing with my pedicurist the best ways to dry it out (and stressing about telling Chris that I had ruined yet another phone!)  

And after a romantic meal and a really cute movie....I managed to tumble halfway down the movie theatre stairs, flat on my face.  I scraped my knee and bruised my shin and hip.  Many came to my rescue....

Too bad they couldn't rescue my ego!!

5 kind words:

JaniceFry said...

Ok,so you might have had a a true "Friday the 13th" day! LOL! But, it was MY FRYday the 13th anniversary, so it was pretty good for GranJan!!! hahaha!

Southern Girl said...

OH MY! If it makes you feel any better, I killed my last phone by dumping a 20 ounce Coke into my purse. I am somewhere beyond a spaz.

Aspiemom said...

I'm reading this Sat. I bet you are glad yesterday is over!!!

Are you sore today?

Danielle Moss said...

That's quite a day you had. If it helps, I dropped my blackberry pearl in a toilet. She died.

Lindsay said...

oh man! Are you a little accident prone or what?? I'm glad you're okay!! Did you know there are TWO other Friday the 13th's this year???