Sunday, November 2, 2008

Not me!, Monday

It's that time again!  I find that this little bloggy fun is a great way for me to preserve some of those random happenings in my life (for better or worse!).  It is going to be great fun to look back on these some day!

Check out MckMama's blog for more "Not me!" moments (and for one of the most amazing stories you have ever read) from other "perfect" moms like me!  They are hilarious!

And remember....He is STILL (and forever) the God of Miracles!!!

I did NOT spend a week in complete misery with a "poorly functioning" gallbladder, and I did NOT wait until Thursday to have it seen about.  I do NOT need surgery, and I did NOT decide to stick it out for a little bit longer.  I do NOT have a MILLION things to do in the next 2 weeks and surgery (no matter HOW minor it may be) is SO NOT going to work for me for a while.  

I did NOT run errands dressed up in an old bridesmaids dress pretending to be Ursula on Halloween day.  Reeves was NOT  proud to have his mommy/Ursula read to his class in costume as the "mystery reader".  

I am NOT totally exhausted after a day of trying to figure out what is wrong with my baby girl.  She was NOT absolutely PITIFUL all day today (vomiting, running fever, not wanting to be put down), and I did NOT give in to her every whimper.  

I did NOT rock out with my kids during bathtime to some Christmas music.  I am TOTALLY against Christmas stuff before's just NOT right!!!

I did NOT take care of the most critically ill patient in my history of nursing on Sunday, and I am NOT still weeping for her and her situation.  Sometimes my job is NOT harder than you can possibly imagine.....but it IS (it really is) rewarding beyond measure!

I am NOT praising God for the miracle He performed for the life of sweet little Stellan....He does NOT continue to amaze me in ways that I just can't explain.  

And, last but not least, I DO NOT have a great peace about tomorrow's election.  I trust that God is in control....NO matter what the outcome!!!

What did you NOT do this week!?

2 kind words:

Susan said...

Enjoyed your Not me Monday- I too am NOT at peace about the election.(trying to NOT be, at least) Hope you all are feeling better soon!

Susan in Indiana

applesofgold said...

you have had quite a week young lady! You are better than I, I couldn't even get around to writting up my Not Me's this week...and now I feel bad. You had a bad gall bladder, sick baby, critically ill patient. Oy!

I am praying that next week will be better for you. And I agree. I am totally at peace about this election. No matter who wins, God is still God, and the Holy Spirit will still move!