Monday, December 8, 2008

Not me!, Monday

I have NOT missed out on the past 3 or so "Not me!" Mondays, and I have NOT been sad about it!  The past few weeks have NOT been VERY busy, but never fear!  I HAVE (I really have been) reading all the other "Not me!" moments, and they always brighten my day.  Make your way over to MckMama's blog for some brutally honest "Not me!" moments....they are sure to (NOT) disappoint!

Greer did NOT have her 5th laser surgery for her Port Wine Stain this past Tuesday, and we did NOT decide that a few errands were in order by about Thursday (there is only so long you can stay in the house with three little kiddos).  While we were at the Dollar General, a little old lady did NOT say to me, "WHAT did YOU DO to her?!" in a very judgemental, accusing tone.  I did NOT almost blurt out (for equal shock value), "Well, I burned her with cigarette butts, if it's any of your business!"  No, I chose NOT to go there, and instead I smiled and told her what really happened.  It NEVER ceases to amaze me what people will actually say out loud!!!  

I did NOT walk by my front doors (which are half glass) PRACTICALLY naked at the precise MOMENT my mailwoman (thank heavens) was knocking on my door!

I did NOT eat leftover chicken casserole and chips and salsa for breakfast a couple of mornings this week.  

I have NOT only gotten about half the Christmas decorations up.  Nope, I got ALL of the decorations up on the DAY after Thanksgiving, and my house is immaculately clean and glistening with Christmas cheer!!!

I did NOT catch Reeves having a battle of the nativity sets on the dining room table.  He did NOT let the plastic baby Jesus from his kid friendly nativity go head to head with a lamb from my treasured ceramic nativity!  Nope, that would be SO very UN-holy, and I would NEVER tolerate it ONE BIT!  

I did NOT cry last night at the end of the children's Christmas play at our church when Lucy proclaimed (in the sweetest little 4 year old voice)...."For unto US a child is born!"  I was NOT so proud of both my little actors (Reeves had a really big part, and he just SHINED!!!).  It did NOT warm my heart and truly get me in the Christmas spirit.

And, I do NOT have an entire house to clean today, and I will probably NOT spend Greer's naptime reading "Not me!" moments and  book 2 in the Twilight series!  Nope, NOT ME!!!

What about you?!


9 kind words:

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Ahh, it never fails to amaze me what people will say! Your children are beautiful! I love hearing God's words from the mouths of young ones!

Melissa said...

I just started reading "Twilight" and am so hooked! Very funny NMM. People are so rude sometimes it amazes me! God bless you and your beautiful family! Welcome back to NMM :o)

Julie said...

I have laundry to do & a nursery closet to organize (we won't even go there with the cleaning bit), but I too will probably be reading "Not Me's." :)

LucieP said...

Lucy is a great name! I used to spell mine the same but decided to jazz it up a lil when I was 13 (it's a nickname off my middle name so it was ok).

How do you bite your tongue? Prayers? lol You should have asked her for a donation to her laser therapy...uggg...I am feeling a little testy...its one thing when peeps make comments about random things but when it comes to our kids, they better watch out!

Keyona said...

Did he really have a fight with baby Jesus...goodness that funny. Kids!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog, it's so bright and cheery. It's really sad that people are so quick to assume the worst in people. Good job keeping your cool though. Not so sure I could have been so nice. Happy Holidays!!

Ginger said...

My personal favorite that we heard from the flight attendant coming back from a NYC laser treatment, "Does your son have SARS because some of the passengers are concerned?" I was pretty much floored by that one. I started to rub Ty's face all over her, but I thought that might be a little much. It never gets any easier I am afraid. Happy healing Greer.

Courtney said...

I just found your blog and I love it!
Anyway, I have a son with Down Syndrome, and I understand what you mean about the things people SAY! I am in my mid twenties but for some reason elderly people think I am like 12 I guess, and will say the most inappropriate things to me, about how to prevent things like that, or is he REALLY yours?If he isn't what was that 17 hours of labor for? I have learned to simply smile and say,Awww, have a blessed day!!!! and walk away!
Glad I found your blog!

tammy said...

The Lord was seen in your tolerance of the ignorance you encountered.
People are sadly astounding in their cruelty. You certainly 'held up the light."

I too did not spend hours reading NOT ME;s when I should have been doing dishes, laundry, mopping.... Of course it is all still there for me excitment tomorrow!!!!

Have a great week,