Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Nope, It wasn't a bar brawl....

Even though Greer does look pretty drunk and beat up!!!  She did GREAT today (well, except coming out of anesthesia)!  Thanks so much for all the prayers, and for the words of encouragement.  They were definitely felt!

She got some good bruising (which usually leads to more fading).  Her ear is unusually swollen this time, and it sort of looks like an old man ear :)  I will try to get some good pics of it later.  We'll be gooey and bruised for close to 2 weeks, but should be good as new in time for Christmas morning pictures!

Dr. Theos put a few dots on her face to outline the birthmark.  It has lightened so well, sometimes it can be hard to see when she is put to sleep.  I was relieved by the conversation I had with Dr. Theos concerning Greer's eyes.  She believes it would be a very good idea to coordinate a check of her interocular pressure by an Opthamologist during her next treatment at the end of January (it is best if done while they are under anesthesia).  That is a huge answer to prayer.  I mean HUGE!!  More verification that I'm not CRAZY!!!  I have been wanting to have a baseline pressure check so that we can better detect glaucoma if it develops in the future (praying for it to NEVER develop).  

And here....well, we were just trying to stay entertained!!!

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