Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Year Ahead, Part 1

It's hard to believe that our "summer" will come to an end in just 3 short weeks. Where has the time gone....and whatever happened to heading back to school after Labor Day? I don't know why I ask these same questions every year, but I do. No matter, school days are quickly approaching, and I am starting to face the music! It seems that the lazy days of Summer are gone before we know it and we wonder what we did with all our free time.

Oh yeah, I remember!

We ate countless frozen treats from the icecream truck that visits our neighborhood every day after lunchtime....

We swam and swam and swam some more. I am blessed to have such little fish, and I love that they seem to have a passion for swimming like I have always had. You could say it's in our blood....

And he finally mastered the fine art of skimboarding. I am in awe of my big kid and all he can do.....and for what this year will bring for each of them!

We've stayed up late, cooked out burgers with friends, and stayed in our pajamas through lunchtime. We've had no schedule or rules (well, maybe a few) or homework. We've truly filled ourselves back up, and prepared our selves for what is to come....

And in less than 3 weeks, we'll be back in the swing of the school-year routine. One in second grade, one in kindergarten, and one in Mother's Day Out. After-school activities, fieldtrips, and projects. Fights over outfits, earlier bedtimes, and kisses at the bus-stop. Hectic mornings, busy afternoons, and homework! Sure, a little part of me is excited to have a routine back (and a few hours of "me" time each week), but there is a big part of me that will miss the carefree safety net that comes with summer vacation. That reminds me!

I have to share this story with you....

Chris' job requires him to get up with the chickens, and I think the kids sense when he has climbed out of bed. 9 times out of 10, I wake up with a little person lying next to me. Yesterday, I was surprised to find myself flanked by both Reeves and Lucy when I woke up. I have no idea how I could have missed that, but there I was.....

Surrounded by the heavy breathing of two precious little souls.

I found myself with the overwhelming need to pray for them. I prayed for their safety, for their spirits and for their happiness. I had an overwhelming sense that I needed to pray about this upcoming school year. I prayed a prayer for the teachers they would have. I prayed that they would bring out the best in my babies.

I kissed them and hugged them and vowed that over the next few weeks I would continue to pray like mad that this year would be one of the best years of their life. Oh how quickly the time is passing.....and oh what a privilege it is to pray for my children!

There's another big piece to this story....but I'm saving it for another day. For now, I encourage you to pray for your children's teachers in the weeks before they head back to school.....I can't tell you how much peace it has brought to my soul!

4 kind words:

KK said...

I feel like this might be the first time I have commented on your blog, but I have been reading for a while...I love your heart and the stories you share. Thanks for being willing to do that!

I just wanted to say thank you for the note about praying for your child's teacher...I'm a teacher myself and have been praying for my new little batch of treasures that will enter my doors in a few short weeks...I am always grateful and overwhelmed when I have parents tell me they've been praying for their child to be placed in the right room and for me before they even knew they were praying for me specifically! Make sure to share that fact with your teacher-I know from experience what a blessing that can be during a very stressful time for teachers!

May you enjoy the final part of your summer break and live up the days of PJs 'til noon and lots of pool time!

meganblaire said...

Girl! You juts have this way of making me want to read/know so much more! I'm anxious for part 2! (But don't rush on our accounts - enjoy those last few weeks of summer!)

Sugar and Spice said...

HI! I saw your comment on Mckmama! I wanted to share my website with you:
I will be donating a portion of all sales to the String of pearls to help families and babies like Stellan! I am trying to get it out there in any way I can! Please let your family, friends etc. I would really appreciate it!
Thanks!! :)

mrs boo radley said...

Did Reeves get a haircut? Or is it just wet? Looks cute. Well, always looks cute.
And Ms. Greer...she's getting tons of hair!
Love your Not Me story about Lucy!!