Thursday, July 9, 2009

Fear not!

For the past few weeks, I've been hurting.....there is a physical hurt, but there is mostly an emotional nagging that I haven't been able to free myself from. I've done everything I know to do to stop the pain, and it's still there....dull, annoying, gripping.

But this week (even with all the fun and the wild children and the lounging by the ocean), I've been praying through it. And reading scripture. And listening. And talking to friends. And listening some more. I've reflected on the messages I have been hearing at church and replaying the songs we've sung over and over and over.

For the last few days, my prayer has been.....

"Take it, God. Take it."

That's all. That's all I know to say.

The best part is.....

that's all He wants me to say. Well, that and keep praying. Keep working through it. Keep trusting him.

I woke up this morning, and there is no pain. I feel light and free and at peace. And I opened my computer and saw this tweet from Max Lucado....

"Fear is not a sin, but it can lead to sin." Agree? DIsagree? Why?

3 kind words:

Liz Blalock said...

Megan, Your reply has brought tears to my eyes this morning. I was up half the night thinking on these truths and your comment has been such a confirmation to me this morning.
Thanks for your comment. I wouldn't mind one bit if you point to me in your post. I believe the Lord uses all of our struggles to bring Glory to Himself and to encourage others in what He is revealing to us.
As for Max Lucado's tweet I didn't see it this morning until you pointed it out to me. Thanks for sending me the message. It has encouraged me in many ways this morning.
Your sister and friend in Christ,

Anonymous said...

I REALLY needed this today! Thank you God!

Valerie said...

Megan it just amazes me how He does work. There has been so many times I have went to a blog and it was just what I needed that day! He is just so awesome!