Monday, July 13, 2009

My Big Scare!

This is me...

I'm a blessed southern girl, living a life of faith and thanksgiving. I hope that in reading, you may hear my heart. I'm raising my sweet (sometimes sassy, messy, and crazy) children with my incredibly patient and loving husband. I tend to see life through rose colored glasses, and I've been known to be a clutz. My family would tell you that I am a bit of a control freak, but I like to think of myself as a "work in progress". God's not finished with me yet!

So, this really shouldn't come as any real surprise to you.....

I am a clutz, and this clutz had a rough day yesterday! Here's how it went down pun intended:

Here in the south, we have some wicked thunderstorms. The kind of storms that pop up out of nowhere and put a stop to your day. Yesterday was one of those stormy mornings. The lightening and thunder started while I was putting on my makeup, followed by the torrential downpour. The kind of rain that can sweep cars away and flood basements.....

I made a quick call to my babysitter to tell her to take her time and get here safely. I told her I would open up the garage door so she could pull in out of the storm. When I went down to do that, I found that my garage was filled with water....water up to my ankles. At this point, I totally went into damage control mode. I rolled up my scrub pants, threw off my socks and shoes, and went to work getting precious/damageable things out of harms way....but I was moving too quickly.

Before I knew it, both feet flew out from under me and I hit the solid concrete floor.....with the back of my head (I swear it felt like it caught the total brunt of the fall)! The water filled my ears and when I opened my eyes all I saw was black....

it was only a few seconds, but it all seemed to happen in slow motion. I was soaked to the bone as I crawled into Chris' basement office. I tried to focus and seemed to have my vision back. Instinctively, I reached up to feel the back of my head. There was no blood, but there was already a golfball sized knot....that eventually grew to a softball sized one.

My heart was racing, and I went into "what if" mode. What if I started to lose consciousness, what if they couldn't find me. My babies are all alone in their beds....

My cellphone was in my pocket, so I quickly dialed Chris. No answer. Again. No answer. I knew I needed to go to the hospital. I knew it needed to be checked out. I called work, crying and tell them I wouldn't be in. One more call, and Chris finally answered....he was on his way.

I prayed, I prayed, and I prayed some more. I wanted to live out the last line of my profile description.....I wasn't ready for God to be finished with me here on Earth....

Long story short, we made it to the hospital safely, the CT scan showed a large soft tissue hematoma but no brain bleed or skull fracture. The ER doctor joked, "The good Lord knew to make the front and backs of our heads the strongest so that we could endure these kind of falls..." He was a very wise man....and I am a very blessed girl!

I have a mild concussion and I am feeling VERY sore still, but I am so thankful to be OK. My family, friends and God are taking good care of me and making me take it easy. Counting my blessings is the understatement of the century. Thanks be to God, for He is good!

Be careful today, and know that I will be doing the same!

10 kind words:

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

Bless your heart! SO SCARY! God's hand was definitely on you, mama.

Hope you are feeling better already. BE CAREFUL!

Lindsay said...

I'm glad it's not more serious that it is - how scary. Isn't it interesting the stuff that rolls through our mom-brains in times like that? I would have totally thought the same thing about my kids. Thankfully I've taught my daughter how to dial her daddy from my cell. Can you imagine?

Take care of yourself!

Tracy said...

Oh my goodness, that is so scary! Glad you are okay and that it was not more serious! I can be somewhat of a clutz myself, but I've never hit my head that hard! OUCH!

Virginia said...

I'm so thankful that you are OK! You and your family are in my prayers.

Erin said...

Glad you're okay! God was looking down on you! Head injuries scare me! Ever since that actress dids, I freak out everytime my son hits his head.

Amber@theRunaMuck said...

Oh, I'm so glad you're okay!

Wade's World said...

That would be terryifying! I'm glad everything was okay.

Rachel said...


I'm so glad you're okay!

And the basement? Did it un-flood? I hope so!!

Lianne said...

Oh my goodness! That's terrible! I am glad that everything worked out okay. Take it easy!

Bridget said...

Glad that you're okay and taking it easy! Feel better soon :D