Tuesday, July 7, 2009

If I had to pick just one picture.....

.....to describe each of my children, I would pick these. Each one tells a story about their personality and spirit.

Before I tell you what I see in them, I'd love for you to tell me what you see in them?

5 kind words:

Jann2U said...

1. L = shy

2. G = adventurous

3. R = daring

Close? LOL

James' Full House said...

Lucy- shy and caring
Greer- brave and bold
Reeves- cautious and fun

Just a quess....


Anonymous said...

L- simply happy to be alive, joyful, funny without knowing it.

R- extremely kind, tender hearted, always looking after others and sensitive to their needs.

G- Bashful yet charming, full of smiles, sweet yet mischievious.


amorris1967 said...

Just from the photos..

Lucy - "cautiously optimistic" but also looks like a little girl who is smart and maybe one who wants to please others

Greer - no fear! brave! ...just happy to be on this planet and makes people laugh just by doing her own thing

Reeves - future plumber - ha - couldn't resist. Maybe "cautiously adventurous" - looks like he's taking it all in, weighing options, before jumping into the "frey".

Since I don't really "know" your kids these are complete guesses just from the photos.

JaniceFry said...

Reeves: independent but loving!

Lucy: Funny and sassy!

Greer: Adventurous and daring!