Friday, July 10, 2009

The Real "Them"

I plucked these individual shots out of all the photos I have taken this summer, and in them I see a million things. Things that only a mother can see. It's like they speak to me and tell a story. You probably don't hear what I hear, but I'd be willing to bet you have pictures of your own children that read like a novel (or at least like a clever short story....some of my most favorite pieces of literature are short stories)....

Lately, I've really been taking note of my children's differences. Last Summer, I read a book by Kevin Leman (phenomenal book, btw) that pretty much said you don't fully see your kid's personality until they are closer to the age of 5. I soooo understand what he means. I can NOT believe how much my Lucy (especially) has come into her own this year (for better or for worse). I am finding that she is my "challenge" at the good and bad ways.

She hates when I take her picture, but she will gladly pose for others. She has a MILLION questions....tonight she asked me what heaven looks like. She wants her hair to be long, but she won't let me brush it. She's an early bird and a sugar addict and a charmer. She wants to be a big girl and she will strike up a conversation with anyone.

She loves ferociously. She loves Praise and Worship. She loves, loves, loves to read. She is stunning.....her honey brown eyes will melt you.

Well, I know she's funny. That much is for sure. She loves to put her head in the sand and feel it on her toes. She is cautious at first, but when she knows she is safe....well, she's fearless. She sleeps, a lot. She eats, a lot. She is amazing. She is a blessing and our lover. She is delicious.

Wonder what I'll say about her when she is 5???

Tender, cautious, passionate.

Skinny, dirty, careless, loving.

Determined, striking, gentle, kind.

Tough, boundless, oblivious. Amazingly sensitive. Wild.

I love my punks.

4 kind words:

Jean Stockdale said...

Hey there. I follow you on Twitter and was trying to send you a message and it wasn't working for me. So I thought I would click on to your blog and read more about you. What a blessings. You have a precious family and I appreciate your transparency about how hard living the Christian life is!!! We often want to present a "perfect" if-as if that was even possible. So thanks for sharing about being unsettled in your spirit but continuing to do "the right thing" until God spoke to you. Good stuff!!

I write a blog to encourage MOMS in the fine art of Christian mothering. I am a writer and teacher for MOMS. I write and teach Bible studies for MOMS and also speak. I will be in Birmingham at Hunter Street Church in Sept. I think. I will post the dates. I would love for you to join us. When I speak I don't concentrate just on MOMS but on becoming a godly woman. It is an evening event but don't have my calendar with me. Anyways, until your children are old enough to rise up and call you blessed, I WILL! Blessings. Jean Stockdale

Jean Stockdale said...

I also posted your button on my site. blessings.

mrs boo radley said...

What a fabulous shot of Reeves! Love!

Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

I've so enjoyed catching up on your blog since I got home! I took a self-imposed break from almost all blogs and FB while we were at the beach, just focusing on family and trying to get a post up on MY blog every day while we were gone. WHY do I do that to myself? :) But it was really nice to come home and have lots of posts to read on my Favorites. AND I voted for you for Best Local Blog, too! Glad you enjoyed our beach blogginess while I was away.