Thursday, July 31, 2008

A Lesson in patience: Days 7, 8, and finally 9!!!

Days 7 and 8: (total time about 15 minutes)

Day 9:  (total time ZERO!).

I don't think I ever explained it, but when I say total time, I am talking about the time it takes for them to stay upstairs (and presumably fall asleep) after we tuck them in for the first time.  I thought 15 minutes was as good as it was going to get.  I thought we would never get to the point where they didn't come down even one time.  Well Folks, I was mistaken!

Today, on day 9 of our bedtime battle, they didn't come down even ONCE!  

It is a happy day in the Mileski house!!!  Let's just hope it lasts.  I do have a new secret weapon though (thanks Amy E), but I'll talk more about that later.....I'm beat!

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