Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Treatment #3 in the Books!

Well, it has been quite an exhausting day!  I really appreciate the prayers from all of you.  I have to say though, I was still quite a mess today.  I can't tell you how glad I am that this was Greer's last treatment without General Anesthesia.  I just don't think I could go through this again without it.  It just absolutely breaks my heart to see her in such pain! 

Even though it was awful to see her so upset and obviously hurting, it wasn't "quite" as bad as last time.  I don't think the swelling was quite as bad, but I do think she got some good bruising (that is one of the signs that the treatment was a good one....more bruising should result in more fading).  
Thanks for all your love and support....I don't know what I'd do without it.  

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