Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wordful Wednesday....Lovin' Kindergarten

After that emotional post on Friday, I thought you might enjoy a more cheery story about how kindergarten is going for our Lucy. I am happy to report that there have been no more morning tears since that fateful day, and we are getting in our groove around here. Now if I can just keep them well....Reeves is home sick today (just a little bug I think, he's feeling much better today)!

One of my prescriptions for sanity in the morning (did I mention that the bus comes at 7:05) involves the laying out of clothes at night. I have learned the hard way that when we don't get everything together the night before, our day has the potential for disaster (and don't believe for a minute that boys don't care what they wear). We pack up our homework, pick out our snacks, and set the coffee maker. I've even started polling them to see what they might like to eat for breakfast....anything to save some time in the a.m. You wouldn't believe how the anticipation of warm cinnamon rolls will motivate a groggy child, just so ya know!

So, we have our nightly routine down to an art already. The kids have gotten pretty independent with their responsibilities, and the past few nights I have simply found their clothes in the dining room ready for the next day. Just in case you're wondering who Lucy takes after.....

Yes, she's a woman after my own heart. This is totally something I would have done at her age. Right, mom? It made me LOL, and I couldn't resist snapping a picture (or waking Chris up to show him, ha!)

And yes, she also has the greatest kindergarten teacher evah! Look at what fun she had with bubbles yesterday (thanks for sending me this picture Mrs. K)....

I miss kindergarten sometimes, don't you?

Head over to Angie's Blog for more
Wordful Wednesday
pictures and stories!

6 kind words:

Kelli @ writing the waves said...

My little girl is loving K too. And I totally agree, it's a lifesaver to set out the clothes the night before. This morning, I realized I forgot to set out the socks and chaos ensued trying to find some that matched at the last minute. Never again...

C H R I S T I said...

So sorry that Reeves is sick! Hope he is feeling better soon! And I am glad that Lucy is having a good week at school. Sometimes those first couple of weeks can be tough. (i love her method for laying out clothes) :P

It Feels Like Chaos said...

Oh my goodness, your "My Angel" post totally made me cry and gave me goosebumps!

My kids are starting school soon -- 1st grade, pre-K,and 2 days of Mother's Day out for my youngest -- and I actually had your thought about August really being the best time for my New Year's resolutions, a few days ago. I am trying to prioritize how to best spend my time, what activities the kids should be doing, and prayerfully asking God to show me the way!

P.S. My little girl will be starting kindergarten next year, and it was hard to send her older brother to kinder but somehow it feels like it will be harder sending my girl out into the "big world".

Night Owl Mama said...

Oh kindergarten such a fun age. CUte pics hope your little one feels better soon

Lindsay said...

YAY! So glad it's going better for you all in this second week! And I totally agree - the more you get done the night before the better - whether you have school-aged kids or not!

Hang in there - prioritizing is hard!

Claremont First Ward said...

I actually loved kindergarten, too. I LOVE good kindergarten teachers.......LOVE them. It takes very special person, don't you think?