Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I have a theory....

....and it involves toilets.

I know, I know. (Remember, I have already warned you that the Gross Factor is HIGH around here!). If you have kiddos, you MUST read on. I need your input! But let me digress for a moment....

My friend Debbie and I spent the day together. It was simply divine.

We went shopping at the brand-spankin' new Target near our house. Today was the "soft" opening, and the store was fully stocked.....and immaculate! Did I mention that it's the biggest Target in the US? Yes. You can be jealous. It was unbelievable! And NOBODY was there. I mean NOBODY but us well pretty was amazing. I spent a little bit too much money. Oops....

After that delightful adventure, we dropped our baby girls off at school and hit the road for Gadrock. We headed north to have our hair "did" was so much fun. 2 hours - sans children - at the hairdresser. Fun! We talked and laughed and ate a bunch of junk. Ahhh....

....and here is where our "theory" comes in.

Do your children always forget to flush the toilet at home? Are you constantly finding the job "unfinished"? Does your child go to a school with "automatic flushing toilets"? Do you visit establishments with "automatic flushing toilets"?

Our children have NO IDEA HOW TO FLUSH A TOILET.....

....think about it!!!

6 kind words:

C H R I S T I said...

my children absolutely never, well almost never, flush the toilet. this is a common discussion in our house...glad to see we are not alone.

coleandpressmom said...

I am constantly saying "Hello, We do NOT run a truck stop here!" And yes, automatic flushers at school have ruined the home bathroom! Gross!

I enjoy keeping up with your blog! I ran across it sometime back on Rick and Bubba's site. I love "meeting" other women of faith trying to raise a family and run a home in this crazy world. Keep up the good work!

Dana said...

Interesting theory but I don't think automatic toilets are the cause. My son still trys to push the button to flush the automatic toilets instead of letting them do it on their own but he won't flush the toilet at home! Crazy kid!!

Rachel said...


I can't wait to visit "your" new Target! It would have been mine, also, if we hadn't moved a couple of years ago... (sigh)

The biggest in the U.S.?!?!!?!? Wow.

Lindsay said...

You are SO right! LOL!

Kruger Kids said...

SO true!! And now I feel like a normal mother, thank you! I thought it was just me and that I hadn't taught them well enough. Ahhh, now I can rest knowing I'm not alone in the battle of the never flushed toilet!