Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter! A time to Rejoice!!!

This has been one of the greatest Easter seasons we have ever had!  During this season of Lent, our church family has been walking through some dark times.  We have experienced some loss and turmoil, but we are also experiencing an awakening like I have never experienced before.  I feel like Christ is working in the hearts of the people of Discovery, and I feel so blessed to be a part of it.  This week, I have counted my blessings....

Greer is healing amazingly!  Her treatment was just shy of 2 weeks ago, and amazingly, we are already seeing some fading.  I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting to see much yet.  We are so encouraged by the results of the first treatment.  I must share an experience that has touched me and Chris over the past few days.  Our dear friend Angela Roberts was not in town the week of Greer's surgery.  She didn't get to see her for the first time until Good Friday.  By that day, all of the bruising was gone, and we thought things looked pretty good, but we thought maybe we were just imagining things.  Angela took one look at Greer, and she began to cry.  She couldn't believe how much the PWS had faded in a few places.  I know that may seem silly to some, but it was unbelievable to me.  God has blessed us with wonderful friends who care very deeply about the things that are important to us....that is incredible to me!
Lucy is absolutely....hysterical!  As you can see, the cast has not slowed her down a bit.  I have to say, though...Lucy needs a break.  Trouble has followed her everywhere this week.  She has had several bad falls since the cast was put on (one at the Zoo on Friday left her with 2 bloody knees and a busted toe), and today at an Easter egg hunt, her first egg had been invaded by ants that decided to sting her!  Let's pray that this is a better week for this girl....she needs it!
Reeves is just turning in to a big kid right before our eyes!  He has grown by leaps and bounds this year, and it makes me want to cry!  I just look at him and I am amazed.  He is such a tender spirit and he absolutely adores his sisters.  I mean, I have seen him steal more kisses this week than you could ever imagine.  And he has no idea that anyone is watching him.  He is absolutely in love with these girls..... 
So that is my sappy monologue for the week.  Here are some pics of our Easter Week adventures.  We went to Fayette for a great visit, had some fun at the Birmingham Zoo on Good Friday, traveled to Gadsden for an awesome Easter Egg Hunt at the Martin Farm on Saturday with Gadsden FUMC, and Celebrated Easter at home in Hoover.  We woke up to great goodies from the Easter bunny (the most favorite treats were the Whoopie Cushions!), ate fresh farm eggs with bacon for breakfast, celebrated with our wonderful church family, and spent the afternoon with great, great friends eating and hunting eggs!  I couldn't imagine a better day, NOT to mention the most wonderful part of the day.....Christ Has Risen!!!  God bless you all!

1 kind words:

Sam Duffey said...

I love the blog. I can keep up with the fam now. Greer looks great!!!! I can't believe Lucy broke her leg. Take care and keep the entries coming.
Amy D