Thursday, April 24, 2008

Oh, what would I do without Grayson and Savannah?!!!

God knows a weary Mommy, and God sends re-enforcements!   For me, they are Grayson and Savannah.  Lucy is going through what I like to call "a little time of challenging Mommy", and I think that someone by the name of GREER has everything to do with that little challenge!  I love, love, love my dear sweet Lucy, but she is in need of a lot of attention right now that I can't quite seem to give her enough of.  God has sent me back up!!!  Grayson Glidewell (Jenny and Daryl Hardy's sweet oldest child) and Savannah Fehler (Krista and Ernie's dear, sweet girl) have SAVED my life over the past few months by giving Lucy that extra attention she so desperately needs (don't get me wrong, I'm doing my best to do it for her too, but a little "big girl" attention goes a LONG way).  I love you girls!  Thanks for saving me!!!!  

1 kind words:

poppycrazy007 said...

You are very very welcome! I love you all very much!