Thursday, April 24, 2008

Hardy Party for Chrystal!

We had some fun a couple of weeks ago at the Hardy's house singing Karaoke and bidding our dear friend Chrystal goodbye.  I must say that my Karaoke skills aren't quite as good as they used to be, but at least my friends decided to sing along with me.  Hardy parties are at least a monthly (or at least every other monthly) event for all of us (thank you Hardy family!), and this time we celebrated Chrystal Henderson.  She has accepted a call to serve as the Youth Director at Pell City First United Methodist Church.  She is so suited for this vocation and we wish her all the best.  She has the gift of ministry to youth, and we know that she will touch the hearts of so many youth and everyone in her new  church.  She just better come back and visit with us often (any excuse for a Hardy Party is fine by us!)!  We will miss you Chrystal, Sami, and Sarah Grace!  We love you!

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