Monday, August 4, 2008

On the Eve of Greer's 4th Treatment

Today has been a hard day for me.  I have had a lot of anxiety (something I have struggled with since after Lucy was born), and just general yucky emotions.  Yes, I was a crazy person today!  I am trying to go easy on myself though, because this is a big (and emotional) week for us.  A treatment and the start of school all in one week would probably bring on anxiety in even the most seasoned mom! 

 I've prayed a lot today (for patience and peace and forgiveness), and I am feeling much better than I was earlier in the day.  Plus, my mom is here to help....she sensed my anxiety from a call earlier in the day and when I got home from the 1st grade parent meeting tonight, she was here.  Even though I told her I was fine and that I could handle it alone, I am grateful she didn't listen to me.  Now Chris will go with us and mom can stay with the big kids.  I guess moms do know best.
Greer has to be at the hospital at 6:15 in the morning for her treatment.  She can't have formula after midnight so I am planning to feed her in just a bit before I go to sleep.  Thankfully she can have juice up until 4.  That is a blessing since she has still been waking up to eat every morning around 4.  Maybe she won't need it with the late night feeding I have planned....we'll see.  
They will put her to sleep with gas (through a mask) and then will insert an IV and a breathing tube once she is asleep.  She shouldn't even remember any sticks (or laser zaps)!  When she wakes up in recovery she has to be able to drink something and keep it down and then we can come home.  We may even get home before Reeves and Lucy wake up.....that would be cool.  
I'll let you know how it goes as soon as possible.  Any and all prayers are appreciated, and thanks for caring enough to check in.  We feel loved beyond measure!  God is good, and I know He will be right there with us tomorrow.  The peace I am finally feeling is a testament to that!
Good Night.... 

4 kind words:

Anonymous said...

ya'll are in my prayers!!
i hope everything goes well!

Val said...

Ugh Meagan, I feel your pain on the anxiety issues- Hill is having his tubes taken out in a couple of weeks which is NO big deal, and my cousin (Dr. Hill) is even doing it and I STILL dread it daily!! I can not imagine you having to do this as often as you do with Greer. As with anything, the anticipation of it is usually worse than the actual day- so I pray that your day tomorrow will be better than your day today worrying about it all. I will lift that beautiful Greer up in prayer and hope to meet her someday!

Erin said...

I love you, Meg. I'll be thinking about you and praying for y'all tomorrow. Kiss sweet baby Greer for me.

Laura said...

I love you too, buttercup. Lots of prayers and hugs from WA.
Love, Laura