When you have 3 kiddos, the baby sometimes must fend for herself. She finds great pleasure in torturing the cat (who, by the way, is doing AMAZINGLY well despite her terminal liver cancer....God bless her). Poor, sweet Lily is quite a sport, and I am trying to keep Greer from driving her completely bonkers.
What you see here is a typical picture of our weekday afternoons. Reeves has been busy with his "book" (I'll be sure to post a picture when he has finished it), and Lucy just wants to do whatever he does. She is going to be more than ready for kindergarten.
Greer is just happy eating rocks (don't worry....I'm vaccuuming out the fireplace in the morning) and pulling Lily's hair.
1 kind words:
Greer's expression in the first pic makes me melt. She just looks so delighted with herself to be sitting there with what looks like 2 fistfuls of cat hair! I love that sweetheart so much!!
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