Reeves and Daddy on the first game of the season in 2002....don't ask me who they played, but I guarantee that Chris remembers every detail of the game!
Check out that game day intensity!!!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Roll Tide Roll!!
Posted at 8:42 PM 2 kind words
Friday, August 29, 2008
A Day in the Life!
Posted at 10:07 PM 1 kind words
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Posted at 7:39 PM 3 kind words
Labels: Greer
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Almost 2 years ago, I had to have some surgery on my hand. The kids were fascinated by how gory my hand looked and by all of the staples, stitches, bandages and such. The surgery required some serious physical therapy, and one of my exercises involved something called thera-putty. My thera-putty just so happened to be neon absolutely irresistible glob of goo to a 2 year old!
Around Christmas-time and just after my surgery, Aunt Becca (aka my sister Erin) came home for a visit. She arrived while Reeves was in school, so Lucy and I went to the airport to pick her up. It was hard to find time to do that thera-putty therapy, so I often did it in the car (it involved kneading it with my hand). As you can imagine, the kneading made it pretty soft and warm.
I had been working on it for a little bit as we drove back home and Lucy asked if she could see it. I was just so excited to have my little sister home, I said "sure, Lu" and handed it right to her. What perfect entertainment for little Lucy! She would be occupied and I could catch up with Aunt Becca. In fact, we were so involved in our conversation that we didn't even notice the shenanigans Lucy was getting in to. Until we heard a little voice from the back seat say,
"Look Mommy" (and it was very calm and casual by the way)
We turned around, and this is what we saw...Of course I asked Erin to see if she could just pull it out. She inspected it a bit and said... "I think it's gonna have to wait till we get home. It's bad!"
How bad could it be....I mean really!?
By the time we got home, it had absolutely melted to her scalp. This stuff is like silly putty mixed with playdoh mixed with modeling clay mixed with glue (oh, and it's NEON pink!)
I was absolutely overwhelmed with the disaster!
I worked on it for a little bit (well, a long bit), and this is as far as I got....
By then (at least an hour later), it was time to call in reinforcements! I was not going down without a fight! It had taken her 2 years to grow this hair, and I was not going to cut way, sista!Millie to the rescue! She is a dear friend (and hairdresser extraordinaire) and I knew she would have the answer. What you see here is a mix of conditioner, mayonnaise, and peanut butter (chunky peanut butter to be precise...that was all I had. Note the chunks!). Throw in some patience, a Popsicle (or 4) and a fine toothed comb and you have a miracle!
No scissors required!
Posted at 8:56 PM 2 kind words
Labels: Lucy
Friday, August 22, 2008
Healing and Other Adventures
Well, we're all healing up pretty nicely around here! It has been quite a week at the Mileski House, and I am hoping to make it to work tomorrow and Sunday. I've had the crud (well, actually, we've all had the crud but I'm the last and the worst). It is a pretty quick bug though, and all that remains for me is a lost voice. It hit me hard and fast at work yesterday, and last night was not pretty! I had to teach a class on breathing and relaxation and let's just say, I'm pretty sure those mamas will opt for the epidural. It's hard to teach people how to breath when you can't pass any air through your nostrils. They felt bad for me and said it was OK, but I felt pretty terrible that I couldn't do my job! Today it moved down to my chest and I've all but lost my voice (which my children and husband love). I have mastered the "whisper yell," however, and think that if there was an olympic event for this skill I would win the gold!
I mentioned that we're all healing up, and that means Greer is all cleared up from her most recent laser surgery on her Port Wine Stain (and we will continue to see fading as it can take several months to see the full benefits of a treatment). She looks absolutely amazing, and I feel like this birthmark is going to all but disappear before too long. God Is Good....and it just feels like a miracle. Thanks for all the prayers and support! Greer is also healing well from a nasty fall she took last Friday (yep, it was my fault and I have felt guilty, guilty, guilty). You can see the remnants of the scab on the top of her head. I let her topple out of her stroller onto the concrete. Luckily, she didn't bump her head (I caught her just in time), but she did scrape off that top layer of skin. It was one of those bleeding, weepy wounds that just makes you hurt! What makes it even better is that it was witnessed by friends and strangers alike at the neighborhood pool! There was no denying my parental downfall.....but at least everyone was sympathetic (and I haven't received visit from DHR this week)!
Chris and I got some "adult time" at his 20 year high school reunion! It was very fun and it was cool to be the youngest one there! I met some interesting characters, and of course heard nothing but what a great guy my hubby was back in the day (and of course he is still that same wonderful guy)! The kids enjoyed a weekend in Gadrock, and I got some much needed sleep. Greer is actually sleeping a little better these days...but that's not her only new trick! Check out these fine accomplishments!
2 bottom teeth
crawling on all fours
standing on all fours (butt in air...too cute)
clapping when you say YAY
playing "patty cake"
blowing some mean raspberries
eating chicken and pumpkin and yogurt and cheese (she loves them fact, she ate half a chicken breast on her own tonight along with green beans, avocado, peaches, yogurt and sweet potatoes)! I think we'll break the 20# mark at 9 months!
Reeves and Lucy have had a pretty good week, too (they had the crud in Gadsden, and were well by Sunday evening). Lucy is singing me a new song everyday, and Reeves got some homework this week. We have nightly reading, an occasional math game, and flashcards. He loves Mrs. Anderson (and have I mentioned that I love her, too). Oh, and Lucy told me today that she has a new favorite color! I'm partial to the blue-green crayola crayon myself!!
Posted at 7:21 PM 1 kind words
Labels: Greer, Lucy, Port Wine Stain, Reeves
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Pray for Alan Henley
Lucy is in a class with lots of new friends this year, and one of those new friends is a sweet little girl named Skylar. Lucy just loves Skylar and talks about her all the time. Skylar's daddy, Alan, was in a terrible accident this Summer that has left him in very serious condition. I have been praying for him and his wife Jen since I met Jen at the kids parent orientation, and recently learned that they have a caring bridge site. It makes me sad to add another caring bridge link to the site, but blessed to be able to pray for this family and to invite you to pray, too. I think that the caring bridge site (and other sites like it) is just amazing and such a blessing to families going through difficult medical challenges. Please check it out, and pray for the Henley family!
Posted at 7:43 AM 0 kind words
Labels: Lucy
Sunday, August 17, 2008
It has been a great weekend! I got some much needed sleep (the eye has STOPPED twitching....finally!), and had some lovely alone time. Hair, nails, shopping, singing at the top of my lungs in my car, reading, sleeping....ahhhh (it felt a bit odd really!). The kiddos spent Saturday afternoon and night with my parents in Gadrock, and Chris and I attended his 20 year High School Reunion! It was fun and funny all at the same time! I'm actually looking forward to mine in a few years....
Posted at 9:41 PM 2 kind words
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Sleep Deprivation
I've had a twitching eye for about 2 and a half weeks now. You know what I'm talking about, right? That totally annoying twitching that you have absolutely zero control know you've had it before (if you figured out how to stop it, please send me some remedies!....)
Posted at 9:42 PM 0 kind words
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
7 Months Old and Happily Healing!
Greer's 4th laser treatment was a week ago today, and it was a really great one! I mentioned before that I was a little worried that we didn't see as much bruising this time, but unbelievably, she has already had some amazing fading. Thanks to my good friend Maria, I'm going to try not to get too hung up on the bruising from now on. In our experience (2 times now), lack of great bruising does not mean lack of fading. Thanks be to God for such wonderful results!
Posted at 9:15 PM 0 kind words
Labels: Greer, Port Wine Stain
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Chris Out of Town = Car Troubles
If you know me very well, you know that drama follows me! I just think I am a magnet when it comes to complicated and comical situations. Many people who are keeping up with this blog have mentioned that it is nice to read about someone who is experiencing some of the same things they are....some of those real life experiences. From here on out, I am going to try to give you a little more perspective on my life as it happens....for better or worse. It will be interesting for me (and enlightening) to go back and read some of these things later, and I think it may give you a few laughs (and maybe tears) along the way.
Posted at 8:35 PM 1 kind words
Thursday, August 7, 2008
What a Great Day!
Posted at 8:51 PM 3 kind words
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I can't believe tonight is a SCHOOL night!
The bags are packed, the clothes are laid out, the notes are written, and the snacks are packed and in the fridge. We met our teachers and dropped off our school supplies and proved our residency....I know I'm forgetting something!
Posted at 8:47 PM 0 kind words
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7
Posted at 9:24 PM 1 kind words
Labels: Greer, Port Wine Stain
Quick Treatment Update....More Later!
Greer's treatment went well. She was a little crazy coming out of the anesthesia, but that is to be expected. She has been asleep for a while, and now is my chance for a quick nap, too. Mom took the kids to the pool. I'll post more with some pictures later!
Posted at 10:51 AM 1 kind words
Labels: Port Wine Stain
Monday, August 4, 2008
On the Eve of Greer's 4th Treatment
Today has been a hard day for me. I have had a lot of anxiety (something I have struggled with since after Lucy was born), and just general yucky emotions. Yes, I was a crazy person today! I am trying to go easy on myself though, because this is a big (and emotional) week for us. A treatment and the start of school all in one week would probably bring on anxiety in even the most seasoned mom!
Posted at 9:16 PM 4 kind words
Labels: Greer, Port Wine Stain
Bye, Bye Birthmark!
Posted at 2:48 PM 1 kind words
Labels: Birthmark Button
Big Week!
We have so much going on this week! I am gearing up for School starting back on Thursday for both Reeves and Lucy and Greer's laser treatment tomorrow. They will be putting her to sleep this time (and from now on), so I am a bit anxious about what to expect. I'll keep you posted, and stay tuned for updates and pictures.
Posted at 8:17 AM 0 kind words
Saturday, August 2, 2008
When I get a chance to Bloghop.....
Posted at 10:24 PM 0 kind words
Labels: Buttons Blogs Button