Sunday, August 9, 2009

Great Finds

So, I decided to play with a couple of pictures on "Picnik" tonight!
Scroll down to see the magic.....Cool, huh!?

Isn't it fun when you discover something really fun and cool? If it saves you money or time, well that is just a big 'ole bonus! I haven't had much time for scowling the internet or window shopping this Summer, so this list is going to be short....for now!

I love sharing great things. My friends laugh at me for it (yes, I have an unhealthy relationship with Costco....ask anyone who knows me well), but if I find something that is worth sharing....well, share it I must. I'll even venture to say that I drive a few friends crazy with these 4 little words....

"Guess what I found!?"

So, here is a list of my "great finds" this summer. Remember.....

If the text is lime green, then it's a link.....just click on it and see for yourself (just a little friendly tip for my less tech-savvy readers....You're welcome!)

Dolly Parton's Imagination Library! The gist? Register your less than 5 year old child and receive a free book every month until they turn 5. Free books....Yay! Greer just got her first one this week (The Little Engine That Could).

Bottle Cap Necklaces Sure wish I was still young enough to pull off wearing these, but my 5 year old can and she LOVES them. They're all the rage down here in the 'Ham.

Picnik As much as I would LOVE to understand Photoshop, well, it still makes my brain hurt (I'm not giving up yet though). In the meantime? I found this fun/easy photoediting site, and well, I heart it! (thanks Savannah)

Look what I did in a matter of minutes!

Marshmallow Fluff Let's just face it....everything is more fun with fluff. It was the token food of the summer 'round here (no, we didn't eat it for every meal, but I will always remember this summer as the "summer of the fluff"!)

Oh, and if you follow me on twitter, you saw that I was on the hunt for some "waterproof vinyl labels" for Greer's sippy cups and food containers.....

I found some great ones on etsy! These things are awesome!

What Cool Things did you find this summer? Please leave a comment if you have something you just can't NOT share! I promise it'll make you feel so much better to get it off your chest!

4 kind words:

Muthering Heights said...

Those are some great finds! I've been thinking of checking out that photo editing site! :)

C H R I S T I said...

The Bottlecap Necklaces are precious! My oldest will love those...I am also going to be ordering some of the labels! Perfect for sippy cups and everything else! Thank you!

Heather of the EO said...

Seriously cool stuff.

A friend just showed me the bottle cap necklaces. They're pretty cool. I wonder how we could get away with wearing them? Toe ring? nooooo....bracelet? If tastefully done, I THINK SO! :)

I love picnik too! LOVE.

Muthering Heights said...

I like the photos you added! Great job! :)