Monday, March 9, 2009

Not me!, Monday

Skip Not Me, Monday!? 
Not ME!!!

It's that time again....time for a little free therapy, courtesy of MckMama over at My Charming Kids.  Let's celebrate all the little things in our life that we totally did NOT do this week.  There's not a week that goes by when I do NOT have about a million Not Me, moments!  How 'bout you?

I did NOT get a brand-spanking new camera this week.  It is NOT a camera that I have been pining for since well before Greer was born (and well before I even knew about this awesome MckMama lady).  We did NOT settle for a completely pathetic less expensive model for the past year and a half, and I have NOT been completely frustrated with it's extremely frustrating mediocrity!!!  It was TERRIBLE y'all!  

The camera I have always wanted (and now own - YAY) is NOT the exact same one that MckMama herself owns, and I was NOT completely reassured of my choice when I discovered that little tidbit of information not too many months ago!  Great minds do NOT think alike, huh!!!

What is this NOT amazing camera (so many of you have asked!!!)?
It's totally NOT a Canon Rebel XSi (digital SLR)!

I was NOT so excited about taking some pics with my new toy that I did NOT take it out to Dinner and a Movie the other night.  Nope, that would NOT be completely psycho, and my husband would NOT have been completely mortified with embarrassment.  I did NOT come home and promptly post the pictures I did NOT take on our 9th Anniversary Date!  

Said husband was NOT just about as excited to teach me lots of new tricks, and he is NOT the most patient, loving, precious teacher in the whole world!!!  Thanks for the gift, Honey! 

Wanna see some more pics I did NOT take with said camera?....

Greer NOT wearing a Smocked Dress to the Park today.
(that is NOT how we Southern Girls Roll, Y'all)!

Smocked Dress NOT tucked into "fancy panties" (NOT another
essential Southern fashion must) that sported the phrase...
"I'm behind the Crimson Tide"

and last but NOT least,
a NOT awesome moment that I did NOT
capture with my new camera 
(something my old camera could have NEVER done)....


It was NOT a gorgeous day in Alabama!!!

5 kind words:

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Congrats on the new camera! My husband bought his first SLR several years back... and that is what it is. Unfort, it ended up in the bottom the the river, but that is another story.
They do take great pics. (Which I'd know if I were allowed to touch his new 5D, but I'm not.) Anyway, i'll quit pouting and say ENJOY!!

Wayne said...

great not me monday. congrats on your new camera

Me The Q said...

Congrats on your new camera! Great not me's I am a camera person too, I love to take mine everywhere. You just never know when you are going to get the perfect shot.

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

Congrats on your new camera! This girl can only dream!
Love your blog. Great Not Me's! :)

Anonymous said...

Love the smocked dress in the park! As you might have guessed I do it too. And yes, the dress tucked into the bloomers, too!