Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sleepless Nights, Flag Football, and Strong Coffee

Greer is still sorta sick.  I have no idea what is really going on with her, and I am trying to not make it more than it is.  She acts pretty normal during the day, but the nighttime is pure H-E-Double Hockey Sticks!  I can't decide if it's teething or headaches or just an 8 month old not wanting to miss a thing!  She has been waking up almost hourly for the past 4 nights, and I am beyond tired.  I worked yesterday, and I have to admit that I was praying for my patients safety....just kidding, it wasn't really that bad.  

Today I did get a GREAT nap (and some delicious Cracker Barrel grub), and I really feel better tonight.  I'm trying to be positive, and hoping for a good night tonight.  It really can't get much worse!

Even with all the misery related to my Greer-Goo (that's our little nickname for her), today was a very fun day.  We kicked off the flag football season with great enthusiasm, despite a rainy start.  Reeves and Chris were beyond pumped, and after some strong coffee and a good hot shower, Lucy and I were good to go (yes, I let my daughter enjoy a bit of coffee with me from time to is one of God's greatest gifts :) !

Check out that intensity!  He is in the ZONE!  Chris was in the zone, too, and it was so much fun to watch.  The Refs were so funny and loved our team enthusiasm!  Chris and Keith have got the kids doing all sorts of cool plays with names like "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and "Peanut Butter and Jelly" is absolutely hilarious.  

Here are a few of the boys after the would never guess they lost this one!  Oh well, it was just the first game!  It's not winning the game that matters's just about having fun.  And when you're 6 and 7, playing football in the rain is about as fun as it gets!!!

Go Titans!!!

1 kind words:

Anonymous said...

jake's face in that picture just cracks me up!